Anh Hong: Vietnamese 7 Courses of Beef

Anh Hong
808 Geary Street
(at Hyde St)
San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 885-5180

If you’re planning to go to Anh Hong to eat their Seven Courses of Beef (also known as Bo 7 Mon) dinner, here are some tips.

  • Ordering the course for your group is not a 1-to-1 correlation. That is, if you have 7 guests, and they don’t all have bottomless pits for stomachs, you can place 5-6 _orders of_ the 7 Courses of Beef. I hope that makes sense. You will still be full.
  • Go with a group. I’d recommend at least 5 people.
  • Don’t expect Texan-style slabs of beef, or Chinese Banquet-style portions
  • Dress as casually as possible. If any of that fish sauce or vinaigrette gets on your fingers, skin, or clothes, you will smell it hours after you’ve left the place.

Seven Courses of Beef is great, don’t get me wrong. But since it’s Vietnamese cuisine, you should expect to be wrapping your 7 courses of beef into provided rice paper “tortillas”, topped with cilantro, mint, carrots, radish, Romaine lettuce, peppers, etc. That is, expect fresh vegetables to play a significant role in your meal, too.

Also, the beef comes in the form of grilled ground beef sausages, steamed ground beef meatballs, and tartar-like slices for the hotpot. So don’t expect filet mignon or thick slabs of beef.

Now that we’ve got that all covered, go to Anh Hong, and dig in!

This entry was posted in Budget, Meals more than $15 per main course, Tenderloin, Vietnam. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Anh Hong: Vietnamese 7 Courses of Beef

  1. Investing 101 says:

    That is a lot of meat! Three orders worth? Considering that you have to slice the meat in smaller portions, I could not see how you can eat all of it, let alone finishing one. For four people, that is a lot of food.

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