Balompie Cafe: Soccer and Pupusas

Balompie Cafe
3349 18th Street
(between Capp St & Van Ness Ave)
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 648-9199

We talked about the ultimate pupusa stop, El Zocalo, in an earlier post. Now you soccer fans get a restaurant where you can watch the soccer games while eating some tasty morsels.

Wikipedia defines Balompie as the literal Spanish word for football as opposed to the anglicized version, futbol.

At Balompie Cafe, you get to order the traditional Salvadorean combo plate with pupusa, yuca, and pastel for $8.50. You also get the vinegary coleslaw, and chips and mild salsa on the side. We went there for Sunday night dinner and were surrounded by families.


  • Friendly & fast service
  • Hot & fresh entrees
  • Tasty chips — medium-thickness
  • Ask for the side of jalapenos, carrots, and onions


  • The pupusas are slightly thinner than the one’s at El Zocalo…but that’s about the only con I could find!.

Menu results? Menupages, Menupix, and Allmenus turned up no results. Boo.

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