Following in the footsteps of Denny’s and their free breakfast promotion during the Super Bowl, IKEA also happens to be offering a Free Breakfast mornings from this Friday, February 13, 2009 to Monday, February 16. (Check the fine print, as there are some IKEAs that won’t be having this promotion.)
Their breakfast usually runs for $0.99, and as a “bonus” they’re throwing in a cup of their coffee, too (also regularly $0.99.) Will you stand in line for this?
I do love IKEA for their bargains but one thing that always makes this Grubgirl a little miffed — the cameras they use for their catalog photos must use telescopic lenses, because when I see the actual items, they’re tiny!
Yes, yes, Grubgirl has quite an American-sized appetite, but I’d like a reader who gets this IKEA promotion to photograph it next to something we’re familiar with, for perspective. (Use a dollar bill, someone else’s cell phone, or something, so we see, ok?)