Studio Gourmet Interviews Hoss Zare of Zare at Fly Trap!

Who: Studio Gourmet, a talk show, interview, and cooking demonstration rolled into one.

What: They’ll be interviewing Chef Hoss Zare (of Flytrap – yum!), and the event will also include a cooking demo, live jazz, and a food and wine pairing.

When: Sunday, January 16, 2011, from 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Where: Horatius, 350 Kansas Street, (between 16th and 17th Streets) (San Francisco)

Why: Get up close and personal with local chefs and taste the food that made (and makes!) them famous.

How Much: Tickets are $65 each (buy them on the Studio Gourmet site). (If you become a Studio Gourmet fan on Facebook, you get $15 off the ticket price – that’s almost 25% off!) Update: Save $20 if you buy from this link on the Studio Gourmet site!

How I Heard About This: Someone in the food biz told me about it.

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