Guerrero’s Taqueria: Mexican Food in Pacifica

Guerrero’s Taqueria
164 Reina Del Mar Ave
Pacifica, CA 94044
(650) 355-2833

Read the reviews on Yelp for more details on this locals-only Mexican restaurant in Pacifica. It’s a serve-yourself affair.

Grubgirl wanted to point out that the soft tacos qualify for cheap eats, since you can get one for $1.90 and it was pretty tasty. I got one with carne asada on it. Most tacos sold from trucks range in the $1.00 – $1.50 range, so for a helping surrounded by four walls, I was impressed by the price for the quantity of meat, white onion, and cilantro on top.

The salsa that came with the chips was mildly spicy…the salsa on the taco was not. So, if you like your tacos and Mexican food spicy in general, I’d go to the condiment counter and get a marinated pepper. (Note: Chips are extra, which is a little different. But for $1.90, there’s not a lot of margin, I suppose.)

Also note that the marinated pepper concoction, when I was there, only contained whole peppers. No slices of carrots, onion, or peppers were present. Using my plastic fork to try to slice the pepper proved difficult. So I ditched the attempt to be a dainty eater and just pierced the pepper and took a bite of it.

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