Tips on Cooking Fried Chicken at Home

Grubgirl was recently invited to partake in eating some home-cooked fried chicken at a friend’s house. (The recipe for the fried chicken batter was taken from a Wall Street Journal article, of which I don’t have the exact link since I don’t have access to the “paid subscribers” section.)

My friend was able to make the fried chicken without the help of an official deep fryer. Rather, he used a deep stock pot with a cooking thermometer hanging on the side.

Next, he purchased warehouse-sized cooking oil from Costco.

The one suggestion that we gave him, though, was to chop up the chicken pieces more. If you buy a regular-sized chicken and split it according to the traditional fried chicken parts (drumstick, thigh, wing, breast), you’ll find that the latter three types of pieces are still pretty darn big. It makes me wonder how small the store-bought fried chicken chickens were. So the key tip? Make sure you chop up the breast and thigh cuts a bit more, so the sizes are more friendly for company.

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1 Response to Tips on Cooking Fried Chicken at Home

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