Tops (Topz?) Burgers & Grill in San Mateo

Ok in Yelp the first reviewer has called this place Topz, and I believe that’s what the sign on the door says in the little strip mall in San Mateo, but I’m staring at the receipt and it says “Tops Burger & Grill.” Go figure.

Including tax, my Cheeseburger lunch special included almost McDonald-like fries, and a medium-sized (?) soda, for $4.32. Not bad. Or is it?

Grubgirl was pushed to the brink of fullness (all those fries and all that soda liquid helped fill out her stomach). But how big was Tops’ margin? We all know that unfresh frozen fries and soda fountain syrup have a ton of markup. But I couldn’t tell if their hamburger patties were frozen or not. As the Fast Food Nation guy points out, ground beef used for frozen burger patties is like THE lowest quality beef on the totem poll.

Rest assured that there are healthier options on the menu – I think $0.50 more gets you an Angus burger. However, then that wouldn’t be too grubworthy if I broke the $4.00 barrier.


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