Hawaiian Drive In: #28’s the Original…in the Mission

Hawaiian Drive In, #28
4827 Mission St.
San Francisco, CA
M-Sun 10:30 am – 9:00 pm

If you’ve a hankering for some rice, macaroni salad, and a fried or grilled entree, then head to the Mission outskirts to hit this place. On a sunny day maybe you can imagine you’re on the big island…if you try really really hard.

Seafood Combo – $6.50
I was able to substitute chicken katsu in stack of teri steak/chicken/short ribs.
The seafood part is 1 deep fried breaded mahi mahi, and 3-4 breaded butterfly shrimp. Not bad, especially with the dipping sauce & rooster hot sauce. However, for the price, I was hoping for more shrimp. As a consolation, there was a helluva lotta chicken katsu…seemed about 2 breasts worth.

Teriyaki Mix Plate – $5.95
My buddy got this…teri short ribs and a teri chicken (or steak). If it weren’t for all my chicken, I would’ve been a little jealous. However, a lotta chicken still doesn’t add up to $6.50, so I think this plate wins in terms of value.

They also sell regular plates (no meat combos) for $4.99 – $5.75, and mini plates (1, not 2, scoops of rice) for $3.50 – $3.90.

Their sandwich prices sound really cheap (hamburger for $1.3, mahi mahi sandwich for $1.95), so next time Grubgirl will have to scope these out.

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