Free Krispy Kreme Doughnut! 1/20 Inauguration Day

You know I love a deal when it really doesn’t cost you anything to get something. (Ok, the more intense of you out there would argue that it costs your time to stand in line…more on that later.)

Krispy Kreme issued a press release saying that on January 20, nationwide, you can get 1 doughnut of your choice for free, in honor of the Inauguration.

“Krispy Kreme is taking the inaugural festivities nationwide,” said Ron Rupocinski, executive chef for Krispy Kreme. “We’re inviting our fans in cities across the country, including Washington, D.C., to commemorate this historic day with a favorite American treat.”

Find out if there’s a location near you! (I’m not sure if the mini-stores within grocery stores counts…doubt it.)

Also if you think you’ll waste too much time in line, just take a more strategic approach. Avoid times around lunch, in the early afternoon (when school gets out), and early evening (when the white collar folks are out). That leaves morning, mid-morning, and late evening…perfect time for a doughnut. As Homer would say, “Mmmmm Donuts….”

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