I have been advised by an experienced sipper of liquor that a hangover is more likely to occur if the liquor is mixed with sugar (ie fruit juice, tonic water, soda water). I’m a little wary of proving this theory (by drinking pure vodka), but I may have the chance on Saturday.
Hangar One Vodka, yes, the one that’s based in Alameda, always gives weekend tours of their distillery operations. Sounds good, but I’ve always had the darnedest time conscripting a friend to be the designated driver. Apparently the Hangar One folks have heard that excuse before.
And did you know the parent company makes other labels too?
St. George Spirits apparently makes Hangar One Vodka, Aqua Perfecta Eau de Vie and Liqueur, Qi Spirits and St. George Single Malt Whiskey.
They’ve publicized a free shuttle service in December that picks you up from the West Oakland BART station (and drops you off!), so the only excuse I have left is not having enough folks to motivate to go.
Are you interested in going this Saturday? Assuming we leave BART in SF around 11:15 am, we should be there in time to get picked up by the first noon shuttle, to make it to the 1pm tour. Reply in the comments! The only cost is your BART ticket and whatever you decide to purchase once your judgment is impaired.
I might be interested because St. George is making absinthe and I want to buy some.
Whoops. The link didn’t come through. Here’s an article from the Chronicle.