Fried Food Ideas (But Not in San Francisco)

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The State Fair of Texas has been going on for almost a month, and Mr. S. recently submitted a list of some tasty food entrants from last year’s competition.

The dishes that really caught my eye:

Donkey Tails – Contest Finalist – Large all-beef franks, slit on one side and generously stuffed with sharp cheddar cheese, are wrapped tightly in a large flour tortilla and fried until golden brown. Served with mustard, chili, or Ruth’s salsa.
Fernie’s Fried Chicken n’ Waffle – A toasted 7″ round waffle, brushed with melted butter and topped with three extra-crunchy honey-battered chicken breast tenders. Served with syrup or white cream gravy. Sweet and salty.
Fernie’s Fried Mac ‘n Cheese – Contest Finalist – Texas-sized bites of macaroni & cheese, covered with a layer of garlic & herb-flavored bread crumbs, are deep fried until crispy outside and hot & cheesy inside. Served on a stick with a side of dipping sauces
Fried Avocadoes – Hand-battered chunks of scrumptious avocado are breaded and fried to perfection. Choice of dipping sauces. A culinary hit in California.

Unfortunately, I don’t expect to see any of these scrumptious concoctions locally anytime soon, unless any of you would like to try to make and fry these yourselves and invite me over (eh, ABM?). Well, maybe the tourist-laden Fisherman’s Wharf has something like this…anyone know?

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