Healthy Frozen Food Dinners

The folks over at Yahoo! Food have some recommendations on healthy microwave frozen meals for those of us that don’t have the time to cook a meal, and are too hungry to call and wait for take-out!

In looking at their healthy recommendations, I would assume these are lower in fats and calories than that of other comparable brands. However, I do know that some of them Lean Cuisine and Smart Ones are Lean in terms of portion size, y’know wh’m sayin’?? Grubgirl recalls having had to eat two of those blocks of ice in her heyday, thus probably defeating the purpose of portion control.

But, reluctantly, we do have to watch how much food we intake, especially with our sedentary cubicle jobs, so I suppose you could fill yourself up with a healthy dessert of mixed berries and yogurt.

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1 Response to Healthy Frozen Food Dinners

  1. Nancy says:

    I used to be totally anti-frozen food, but once I accepted the fact that I’m simply too busy to cook every night, I started searching around for the better and tastier frozen dishes! If you’re always on the go, but want something delicious, you should try Bertolli’s Mediterranean Style Frozen Dinners; I’m a huge fan of Mediterranean food, so I LOVE these! Check out and you can even see Rocco DiSpirito preparing some amazing dishes on the site! I work with Bertolli, so I can vouch for ’em 😉

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