Quick Tips to Reduce Daily Calorie Intake

Who: Thank you, Food Network’s Healthy Eats blog!

What: Tips on easy ways to shave off some calories each day without feeling like you’re too inconvenienced. The article gives 3 ideas of how to reduce your caloric intake each day, depending on how much time (read: effort) you want to put into it.

Asking for dressings and gravies on the side just takes some verbal effort and the rest is up to the restaurant folks to handle. Another example is adding one less packet of sugar into your coffee (or your fruit dessert)… all that adds up to small changes with big effects.

I’ve personally made my own steel-cut oatmeal for the week, and stored a couple scoops into indivual freezer bags for defrosting later. Looking at bags of frozen oatmeal isn’t the prettiest site, but it’s a huge help for my hectic schedule.

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2 Responses to Quick Tips to Reduce Daily Calorie Intake

  1. nancy says:

    thank you for posting this, I’m always looking for healthy information (and now I know about this other healthy eats blog) and it’s true, small changes can make a big impact. please share more stuff like this!

  2. Pingback: Daily Calorie Intake - Do carbs make you FAT? | Daily Calorie Intake

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