Steak in Argentina

I can’t help but love steaks. Regular readers know about recent attempts at perfecting the rib eye in a pan. Well, a blogger named Teahouse was smart enough to take some photographs of the various steaks she’d eaten in restaurants in Argentina. (If you’re a vegetarian, think twice before visiting. If you’re a vegetarian and a wine lover, maybe check out Napa instead.)

Argentine Steak

Argentine Steak

All that steak consumption in Argentina is still healthier than if I were to eat the same amount here in the United States, since the beef there is grass-fed. No grain-fed troughs or poopy lagoons for those steers to wade in! But regardless of the steak quality, she indeed gets hit with The Itis:

Now if everyone will excuse me, I need to go and eat some salad and try to let my body finish digesting all of these meats.

Oh, I’ve been there.

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