Having come back from a much-needed vacation with an overabundance of cheap, yummy steaks in my diet (think South America and lots of beef), Grubgirl has opted to eat slightly healthier while returning to her cubicle world. Men’s Health posted a nice article on what food sounds nutritious but really isn’t. Sorry to be such a wet blanket, but the gist is that, as always, we need to be smart shoppers and not always believe the hype.
What caught my eye? I’ve been avoiding the carb-loaded breakfast burrito after scouring to no avail around the Citicorp Center downtown. Instead, I’ve been trying to eat yogurt in the morning, but I may have to be more careful. Bzzzt! Yogurt with fruit on the bottom is a sugar-packed snack ready to have me bouncing of the walls.
And of course, you should know that fat-free doesn’t always equal “healthy” either. Sugar has no fat but a ton of carbohydrates, and what turns into fat if you just sit around your cubicle so you don’t use any energy? Yep, sugar.