For WP reviewers…oustanding questions

My brain is fried and i’m on a break….but who knows, perhaps these are easy questions for the masses…

* how do i get this (or some facsimile thereof) to appear cooly in my header file? the font used is Agate, which is not exactly a generic browser font type…


* should the width of the posting area be larger?
* how can i make the text in the About Us post wrap nicely around the hippo? i just posted this with some “table” tags

* yes, i’m eagerly waiting for when i can prevent most posters from seeing the About Us-type of categories…for now i’m just going to approve comments – but not sure how uncool that is
* yes, my About Us & contact us still show up in the archives, but i’m ok w/that for now…and I know i can hide only 1 category from the main default page

so what’s next! (baby steps)
forums? pictures? i have not even checked any of those avenues out yet…..

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11 Responses to For WP reviewers…oustanding questions

  1. Mindy says:

    Why don’t you just make an image for your header? Then you could use your font in it.

  2. site admin says:

    yeah…i tried that initially but want to be picky about the header fully spanning the width of the current header, and having the background color of the image match that of the template (or vice versa, whichever is easier). i could easily recreate the font w/background color = #whatever the default template color is…hmmm…then is the part about the width…

    maybe this won’t be as time consuming as i thought….

  3. Arturo says:

    About the hippo image and the text. Insert this to the image code “style=’float: left; margin-right: 0.5em;’ /” it worked for me. Saludos!

  4. Root says:

    Just wanted to pop in, say hello, and see how you are getting on. The posh solution to your header image is to use Fireworks which takes textand auto generates a png graphic. That way you can keep your semantic mark up and accessibilty. I do not mean to be discourteous but arturo\’s proposal contains a number of errors and should not be followed. Just trying to help.

  5. site admin says:

    “posh solution” is right – when i googled “fireworks” and saw that it was a commercial package, that put itout of the running. this is a strictly budget operation. 😉 i tried Cooltext but its rendering engine seems to be down….

  6. Regarding your header, I can think of two solutions. One consists of a little Photoshop or GIMP work to match the background with the logo. The other solution I have *will* look ugly in IE, but I tend to like it more. Basically generate a png image with transparency and overlay that over your background.

    (a quick point of clarification: are you planning to have your current blue header with a white tab with your name cut out, or are you looking to have an all-white header with just the name cut out?)

    And it might be a little late regarding the About Us stuff, but what I did on my site was actually use the site admin’s profile and spit that out to the About page. It’s kind of a hack, but it served my purpose, and I didn’t have to have a separate hidden category that never got updates.

    Hopefully something in there was helpful…

  7. site admin says:

    good question on the clarification — i hadn’t thought it out that far 😉 maybe i’m looking for more of the former — same background…white letters that look cutout? hm…

  8. gravity says:

    The solution for the header can be achieved by changing the code in the css file. It took me awhile to get it right so that I could add the banner advertisements script, but you could do the same thing for the image. You just have to re-write the css properly for positioning your image in a certain place over a background that is relative to your image.

    It was a nice template.. just needs improvements. keep your eyes on this. I will be adding an image to replace the text later this week.

    Kind regards,

  9. Gravity says:


    You might want to look at this for solution to text wrapping images. I rewrote all the CSS code for that template.. It is NOT perfect, but as close as I think I am going to get.

    If you notice the single posts you will see that the backgroiund image nicely extends to the end of the RSS links.

    The only problem I have is FIREFOX shortening the footer on smaller posts. I will clear that up this week.

    Kind regards,

  10. E Mooney says:

    How about adding an area for stores that have interesting and inexpensive ingredients? The site is a really good idea!

  11. Justin says:

    GrubGirl, I’m not sure if you ever found this answer to your problem, but I would try A List Apart.

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