Rick Bayless’s Authentic Mexican Cookbook…

After coming back from a 17-day trip through Mexico, I wanted to be able to taste the same authentic cuisine that I found at the local restaurants. By that I mean anything from taco stands to restaurants where local families ate.

Surprisingly, this cookbook that I mistakenly bought from Amazon.com is doing the trick. Rick Bayless’s Authentic Mexican doesn’t have his picture on it, on Amazon, but in reality, the book ships with his mug.

I initially didn’t buy the book because of the gringo chef – I’d seen some of his cooking shows on PBS and was suspicious of how he could cook legitamately — how is any random person who’s never been to Mexico gonna be able to tell, right? (I think Chinese cookbooks can be like that, too).

So I bought a book with a different-looking cover — but when I got it, this guy’s face was on the dustjacket! Rather than return it, I tried out a couple recipes. And boy am I a believer now!

The tomatillo salsa pureed with avocado was legit — like what I had at the taco stands.

There’s also a chicken & veggie soup that I ended up eating all in one sitting.

I’m not listing the recipes here – tho I have no money, I don’t want to deal with uptight lawyers bugging me. I have, however, considered emailing this guy to say, “word.” He doesn’t look like he’s a bro, but he cooks like he’s a native.

Oh, one word of warning — if you wear contact lenses, be careful when you cut the peppers. I would remove your lenses before cooking. Why? ‘Cuz the next time you stick your finger in your eye to remove a lense, it’s going to feel like seering acid is being poured into it, that’s why. This lasts for about 2 minutes and then you can stupidly try to repeat the process with your other eye.

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