Cheap Eats: Easy Tomato & Corn Recipe

Thumbs up to the Poor Girl Eats Well blog for her fantastic and economical recipes. Not only does she focus on economical recipes, but she makes sure that the recipes are still full of healthy, recognizable ingredients.

I tried out her Tomato & Corn Salad recently, and give it a thumbs up for its taste and ease in preparation:

2 c grape tomatoes, sliced into quarters
1 11 oz. can sweet yellow corn
5 large green onions, chopped (greens & tops)
Small handful of cilantro, chopped (optional)
3 T olive oil
3 T rice vinegar
1/8 t sea salt
1/8 t granulated garlic
Plenty of fresh ground pepper

Key, in my opinion, was the combination of rice vinegar and olive oil for tangy vinaigrette, and the green onions helped give a sweet little zing that’s not overpowering. Make sure you’ve got some bread to sop up any leftover dressing.

I also used white corn kernels from Trader Joe’s, quickly defrosted in the microwave. This was the first time I’d eaten the kernels uncooked (versus something in a stir fry recipe), and they worked out well.

Thanks PGEW!

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1 Response to Cheap Eats: Easy Tomato & Corn Recipe

  1. lani says:

    Cool and refreshing…

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