Cheap Recipes: How to Boil Corn on the Cob

You think I’m joking, right? Well, you can overcook corn on the cob. With corn being in season, it’s often cheaper to buy the fresh stuff than the canned niblets.

I get requests from people that genuinely don’t know how to cook, and this one’s an easy recession recipe that anyone can use.

There’s actually a helpful website that talks about various ways to cook corn, With step-by-step photos on how to cook corn on the cob, and commentary, what’s their most helpful tip for boiling?

No more than 10 minutes — the more you leave it in, the softer your corn gets.

Can you handle it? also has very useful instructions on other ways to cook corn:

Of the four methods, I think the boiling is the fastest, though the site does say microwaving is the fastest. I’d count the soak time, though.

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