Cheap Restaurant Recipes: Eat Chain Restaurant Food at Home!

Ok, so eating at chain restaurants may not be every reader’s ideal dining experience. But, you’ve gotta hand it to those food scientist types that are hired by major chain restaurants to come up with recipes that will work for tastebuds across the US.

If you’re traveling to Nowhere, USA, if you can find a PF Chang’s, you can hopefully expect their dishes to taste the same like they do in your California suburb.

Well if you’re not traveling but still want to taste that wonderful dish from Chili’s or Applebee’s, look no further. Those chain restaurant recipes are revealed at Top Secret Recipes.

* Note: They’ve started charging for a lot of recipes, though you can still read snippets of information. But don’t worry, there is a free recipe sign-up service, and the free recipes are tagged as such.

This entry was posted in Budget, Recipes, Meals from $5-15 per main course. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Cheap Restaurant Recipes: Eat Chain Restaurant Food at Home!

  1. ValueDining says:

    I think if you stick to the nonfried stuff, you stand a better chance it tastes more like the restaurant taste.

    Thanks for the good ideas!

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