Chicken with Red Bell Peppers Recipe

My friend TBJ’s momma was in town, so I had the honor of meeting her over a homemade dinner. TBJ picked an easy chicken recipe from Epicurious, and served up Chicken with Red Bell Peppers. This is an easy one to make, with ingredients that you should have mostly available. The sweetness of the red bell peppers balances well with the white wine and butter.Chicken with Red Bell Peppers

He used chicken thighs instead of chicken breasts, which I think is a good move, especially for beginning and intermediate cooks like myself. Why? Chicken breasts have less fat in them, which makes them a healthy option. Less fat, however, also means they can tend to dry out more easily if you cook them too long. Chicken thighs, on the other hand, have more fat in them, which makes them juicier, and a little less prone to overcooking.

The parsley is a nice addition, but, unlike the photo, make sure you either chop up the parsley more finely, or use it as a garnish on the side if you don’t want to bother with the extra knife work.

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