Easy Kheer Recipe

I was thumbing through a free magazine that my friend picked up while grocery shopping at Mollie Stone’s. After picking through all the ads, I noticed a Kheer recipe. Kheer is a South Asian dessert (I think there’s some New Year’s significance to it). You can find it at a few sit-down Indian restaurants, on their dessert menu. It’s a very sweet rice dessert, usually served chilled. The ingredients below are quite affordable…and if you make this you’ll get an idea of how much you’re overpaying, the next time you want to order this at the restaurant!

Below is the recipe — thanks to Culture & Cuisine magazine.

Easy Kheer Recipe

Serves 4

1 c. basmati rice
1 qt whole milk
1-2 c water (the exact amount depends on how thick you like the kheer), diluted in the milk
1/2 c sugar
1 T raisins (I think I used about 1/4 cup)
1 T cashew nut pieces, almonds, and pistachios (I used about 2 T of sliced almonds)
1/4 t finely powdered elaichi (cardamom) seeds

– Boil the rice in the milk in a medium saucepan, on a medium fire. Stir constantly until the rice is cooked. (If you stop stirring when the milk is hot, it could burn on the bottom.)
– Once the liquid starts getting warmer, add the sugar, raisins, and nuts. Keep stirring, making sure the sugar dissolves.
– Keep stirring; the mixture will thicken.
– At the very end, add the cardamom powder.
– Serve hot or let it cool before serving.
– Refrigerate leftovers.

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