Homemade Pecan Pie Recipes: Dark Syrup or Light Syrup?

Which one do you prefer using and why?

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4 Responses to Homemade Pecan Pie Recipes: Dark Syrup or Light Syrup?

  1. Liz K. says:

    I use a 50-50 combo.

  2. Andrea says:

    Dark! I have a killer recipe for chocolate chip pecan pie I’ll have to send your way.

  3. TBJ says:

    I usually use the light because (a) the Caro light syrup has touch of vanilla in it and (b) the dark does nothing other than color the pie a lil bit more which makes it more difficult to tell if it is truly done. I also use the light in a 66 2/3%/33 1/3% mixture with maple syrup which gives me a better output than the dark syrup or the light syrup by itself.

  4. Kimberly says:

    Light all the way. Bryant is absolutely right on being able to tell if its done, and pecan pie doesn’t seem right to me if it doesn’t have the nice light jelly look to it. Yum. So when are we making pies?

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