Homemade Pumpkin Pie Recipe

A slightly belated post as we recover from the Thanksgiving holiday, a new job, a shady hack into one of my posts (that tagged it with some spammy tag), and a blog upgrade to WordPress 2.6!

I meant to post this right after Halloween, when pumpkins were abundant and I had a chance to save a pumpkin from being sacrificed to the whims of trick or treating tradition. Oops.

Google “pumpkin pie recipe” and the first one that pops up is a homegrown webpage with recipes that anyone can follow.

I took a fresh pumpkin, halved it and cleared it of its seeds, and proceeded to quarter it and steam it in the microwave. All the tips on this site are legit – from how to get the stringy hairs off the seeds, to the many options you could take to cook the pumpkin meat. 

I used frozen pie crust (*blush*) but otherwise made the pie from scratch, and then toasted the pumpkin seeds. A+, two thumbs up, for an easy recipe that you can use with yourself or with kids. The holidays aren’t over yet – you could still try this great recipe for Christmas!

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