Panini Sandwich Recipes for Cheap

Over at the “everything you wanted to know about paninis but were afraid to ask” site, Panini Happy, is an informative article on how to eat paninis while on a budget. Actually there are two great articles for those of you with that champagne taste and beer budget:

1) 5 Money-Saving Tips offers some great advice on how to cut down your grocery bill by doing something as simple as buying your meat and cheese slices from the deli counter. Doubtful? Panini Happy’s investigative blogger has done the math already for you and shown that the pre-packed stuff is more expensive (because you’re paying for the packaging which is apparently worth the extra time you’ll save from not having to stand in line at the counter).

2) How to Make Panini Without a Panini Press offers those of us who only dream about having the appliance (or counter space), there’s hope. Any flat pan or toaster oven will suffice. A helpful table explains what types of paninis work best with which pan.

So no excuses for not trying any of the wonderful recipes on the site. Yum! If you’re still not convinced, you can check out the site and slobber over the yummy photos.

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2 Responses to Panini Sandwich Recipes for Cheap

  1. Pingback: Panini Sandwich Recipes for Cheap | GrubGirl. |

  2. Kathy - Panini Happy says:

    Thanks so much for the shout – happy grilling!

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