Review: Cooking Videos at FoodTube

I came across as a source of how-to cook videos. This has inspired me to give a rundown in the next few posts on some other video sites with cooking categories.

In this instance, I’ve searched for a word (“steak”) which is easy to make at home, and that I had made before, so I could evaluate both the video and content quality.


  • Comprehensiveness. I have a feeling that any recipe under the sun has a chance of showing up here. These look like videos hosted at YouTube that somehow are listed here. When I typed in “steak” I got a lot of answers and varieties. (This can be good and bad…more later)
  • Single focus. It’s called FoodTube for goodness’ sakes. I didn’t have to worry about comedy or adult videos coming back in the search results.

Needs Improvement:

  • Consistency. These videos are from YouTube, and it doesn’t appear as if there are strict requirements for a consistent show format, or video production quality.  But hey, regular folks are trying to share their information, and it’s free, so deal with it. (But in all seriousness, if a harder recipe doesn’t include measurements, or the audio quality changes volumes within one reel, it’s a distraction.)
This entry was posted in Kitchen, Other Food Stuff, Recipes, Mexico. Bookmark the permalink.

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