Trader Joe’s Discontinues Hot Pepper Relish!

Trader Joe’s
Temecula, CA

Dear Grub Girl,

I found your website searching bell pepper relish. I also have been enjoying Trader Joe’s Hot Bell Pepper Relish, and have been hooked on it since they did a sandwich demo in the store near my home. I have been telling all my friends at Weight Watcher’s about it, and went to get some more today. I was shocked that it has been discontinued. I called Trader Joe’s corporate office and was informed that it was a “slow seller”. (not in my Trader Joe’s) Perhaps if enough people complain about this, they could bring it back. Just wanted you to know. I used it in a chicken salad with lowfat mayo, and on lavosh bread with cold cuts. Yum. I also asked them who their manufacturer was and if they sold their relish under another brand in another store. They said it was made exclusively for them.


Kim H.
Temecula, CA

Grubgirl writes: Is this true in your Trader Joe’s? What Trader Joe’s Hot Bell Pepper Relish recipes have you created? Have you found a substitute? Grubgirl has verified that this product is no longer available in the San Francisco stores. To follow the democratic process, call their Customer Relations Hotline at 626-599-3817 to request it to be brought back. It wouldn’t hurt if you mentioned what wonderful recipes use that relish. Extra bonus points if all ingredients may be purchased at Trader Joe’s.

See our Tuna Fish Sandwich recipe that made use of this delicious ingredient.

This entry was posted in Kitchen, Recipes, Meals from $5-15 per main course, USA. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Trader Joe’s Discontinues Hot Pepper Relish!

  1. Maggie says:

    I was extremely disappointed to learn hot bell pepper relish had gone! I used a third of a jar on a cheese sandwich or cold meat sandwich, loved it.

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