Trader Joe’s Steelcut Oatmeal: Frozen Food Tip

Trader Joe's Steelcut OatmealA quick heads up for any of you healthy-but-busy eaters getting your groceries at Trader Joe’s:  you’ll need your own bowl for cooking their frozen oatmeal.

Though nothing on the packaging would have me believe that this was a more portable option than I assumed, except for the photo of the oatmeal in a bowl, I did wish that this came in its own container. So many of Trader Joe’s other frozen meals are in typical microwavable containers, why not this one?  I guess that’s what happens when you ASSuME.

The Trader Joe’s Steelcut Oatmeal comes in 2 cylindrical disks slightly thicker than hockey pucks. Buy this for a healthy breakfast at work, only if you have a proper container for it.

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3 Responses to Trader Joe’s Steelcut Oatmeal: Frozen Food Tip

  1. Jan says:

    Well, of course you do! What’s the point of putting more trash in our landfills? Reuse your bowl – get with it!

  2. liz krulik says:

    can i order trader joe’s steelcut frozen oatmeal on line. there is no trader joe’s where i live & i love your oatmeal!!!!

  3. Grubgirl says:

    Did you check on the Trader Joe’s website? I highly doubt that they take any online orders as they try to keep it simple. At least their website will tell you where the closest one is. You can also try eBay or Craigslist – maybe someone will buy it for you in return for you doing something for them that they can’t do in their neck of the woods.

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