New Hong Kong Menu: More Bang for Buck Noodles

New Hong Kong Menu
667-669 Commercial Street
San Francisco, CA 94111

Grubgirl spotted the unbelievable prices at this hole in the wall as she was waiting for some co-workers to eat Dim Sum at City View restaurant (aka the cheaper-but-just-as-good version of Yank Sing).

What caught her eye? First, the white board that listed daily lunch specials for $4.95. Peering inside, the place was crowded Friday at noon. Not packed to the gills, but all tables were filled with an ethnic variety of faces that suggested that this place was legit.

Their “noodles in soup” are listed from $3.00 for Wonton Noodles, to $5.00 for Noodles with Seafood. You get to choose thin, wide, or vermicelli-style noodles. Don’t ask too many questions, though. Grubgirl went with her gringa pal who started asking things like, “What’s the broth made of…is it chicken soup?” and “Do you make your own noodles,” etc. etc. Don’t expect any answers other than a hurried, “yeah…yeah….” to any questions.

Grubgirl paid $4.25 for a large bowl of “Big Dumpling and Wonton in Supreme Soup.” The soup, as the waitress admitted, wasn’t anything supreme. That’s just the name. The “Big Dumplings” are what look like potstickers — the frozen variety you find at your local Asian grocery store. The soup had spinach in it…and there were several wontons as well.

What made Grubgirl extremely satisfied with the value derived was the complimentary serving of the “peasant soup” upon seating. You know, some sort of beef broth, with some meat or occasional gristle, and in this case, lotus root. Then at the end of the meal we were served a bowl of Tapioca/Taro soup — it’s another legit Chinese restaurant thang. Fortunately, Grubgirl lapped up both of these bowls for herself, and assisted her gringa friend with her leftovers, too.

My friend got Thin noodles with chicken, for $3.75. This had sliced chicken in the broth, with thin egg noodles. She said it was fine. (I was hoping the whole experience was not overwhelming her…but next time I’ve promised to hit a Latin dive with her, to even the score.)

Altogether with tax, our meal came out to <$9.00..we decided to tip generously so the total meal was $12.00. Yes, that was a good Friday indeed. :-9

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