Quick and Easy Steamed Salmon Recipe

You can have a nice salmon dinner without having to spend a fortune if you decide to make it at home. One option is to steam it using a microwave. Here’s a rough guide on how to make a quick dinner…

1 microwave safe dish – I used a mini tart dish
saran wrap
1 salmon filet (per person)
1.5 – 2 Tbs. olive oil
dash of salt
dash of lemon pepper

Put the salmon filet skin-side down in the dish. That is, you should be seeing the pink meat.
Spread the olive oil over the salmon.
Sprinkle it with some salt, and the lemon pepper.
Loosely cover with saran wrap. Use a fork to poke some holes in the wrap so the steam can escape a little.
Microwave on high for 1.5 minutes (of course this will vary a little depending on how strong your microwave is).
After this round of cooking, remove the dish, uncover it, and see how the meat is cooking…it should still be pink in the middle…
Cover the dish again, put back into the microwave, and heat again for 45 seconds to 1 minute.
Take out and let it sit for 2-3 minutes, as it continues to cook.

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