Recession Recipes: Poorman’s Meal

Over on YouTube there’s a series of cooking videos hosted by a 93-year old grandmother, who makes recipes she learned while growing up during the Great Depression.

This one seems tasty — Poorman’s Meal — which is sort of like hash browns and sausage.

She takes 3-4 brown potatoes, peels them, then cubes them. Slices up an onion. Sautes it in the pan with some (well, a lot of) oil until brown, then adds in 4 sliced up hot dogs. (You could easily substitute yuppier sausage here if hot dog contents gross you out.)

As she continues to stir the potato & onion mix, she recounts stories of her childhood. Then she adds in what looks like a couple tablespoons of spaghetti or tomato sauce. Finally, she adds about 1/4 c of water to soften up everything so it’s not overly crispy. I’m gonna have to try this!

For variations you could substitute ground beef or ground turkey instead of the hot dogs, throw in some scrambled eggs or shredded spinach, and then you’ve evolved this into a Joe’s Special-type of concoction.

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