– Where Food and Hotels Mix

Many of you have noticed a slowdown in postings in the Fall. Where has GrubGirl gone? She’s been working at a company called, which helps people analyze the components of a hotel deal, so you can tell if it’s a real deal or not. Yes, the love of bargain food discoveries spills over into other areas, including travel deals. understands that though everyone may want to take the time to compare prices and make sure that the hotel marketers really have a traveler’s best interest at heart, not everyone has that bargain-hunting DNA that comes naturally to this audience. So does the work for you, and people looking for a hotel discount have a place to gut-check their own research. Those less frugally-inclined don’t even have to lift a finger to find deals, except to click over to our site.

Is the site lucky enough to cater to hotel discount fans AND bargain hunting food fans? But of course. If you can spend a few hours packing away some good food like me, you probably want to find some dinner deals. absolutely comes through with over 200 deals offering free dinners. And if you travel with your kids, you should check out the Kids-related deals – scour them for free meals for the toddlers, too. With a few mouths to feed, this can add up to a fair amount of savings.

All this food talk is getting me hungry – I’ll have to find some more food deals of my own!

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1 Response to – Where Food and Hotels Mix

  1. Flat House Share says:

    Good info thanks for this guys 🙂
    I keep thirsting for knowledge ha!

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