Singapore Sling Recipe

Taking a random tangent, here’s a recipe for the Raffles Hotel’s famous Singapore Sling. A traveler claims that he was at the famous bar in Singapore, and had the recipe’s portions given to him by a bartender. Whether this is an urban legend or not, give it a try.

Singapore Sling

Singapore Sling - Photo by CaterinaAnna

Why is this bartender’s recipe even being mentioned on GrubGirl? To save you a whopping US$18 the next time any of you frugal travelers are on a layover halfway across our humble shores. Yes, GrubGirl has bitterly made the same mistake, while en route to India. And though we mainly focus on San Francisco bargains, this one’s applicable since San Franciscans tend to love traveling far and wide for culinary delights.

The only people in the bar were tourists, and though the furniture is beautiful (or bittersweet) in its colonial look and feel, one can’t help but feeling a little fleeced. (And no, the cheezy glass isn’t even a souvenir for that price.) And so, enjoy.

1.5T Gin
3t Cherry Brandy
1/3c + 2T Pineapple Juice
3t Lime Juice
1.5t Cointreau
1.5t Dom Benedictine
.5T Grenadine
A Dash of Angostura Bitters
Garnish with a slice of Pineapple and Cherry

30ml Gin
15 ml Cherry Brandy
120 ml Pineapple Juice
15 ml Lime Juice
7.5 ml Cointreau
7.5 ml Dom Benedictine
10 ml Grenadine
A Dash of Angostura Bitters
Garnish with a slice of Pineapple and Cherry

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2 Responses to Singapore Sling Recipe

  1. wincent.tan says:

    Hey when you get the opportunity, you should also visit the other singapore tourist attractions . What you have visited might have been good, but there are still a couple more attractions you can visit. The zoo, birdpark etc..

  2. Flo Tern says:

    stumbled on your page – everyone gets the recipe from the bartender at the Raffles Hotel. It’s printed on little cards for you to take home. Another shame – it’s all premade. a ripoff – we have many other cocktail bars. don’t bother with the singapore sling – especially at the Raffles.

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