Dine About Town San Francisco: June 1-15, 2009

Many of you know that deals aren’t just about meals that go for a basement-bottom low price; there’s something nebulous called “value” that also plays a factor. For those of you that love a bargain when it comes to nice restaurants in San Francisco, it’s that time again.

Dine About Town San Francisco just kicked off and runs until June 15. This is when diners get to eat from over 125 participating restaurants offering prix-fixe lunches for $21.95 and/or dinners for $34.95, exclusive of tax and gratuity. I know, you can’t believe I’d pay those prices… but remember, this time I’m not writing about absolute value, I’m talking about value to you. This is a great rate for you if you’re looking to eat at one of the finer establishments, and you dig the whole experience. (GrubGirl tip: ease up on the alcohol, which always adds a hefty margin to your tab.) You better hurry though, places are booking up fast; make reservations via OpenTable.com.

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